Colleen Irwin

I never called myself an Artist until recently, even though I have been involved in the Arts all my life. School years were spent in Theatre & Music. Decades of business involved marketing the Arts where I painted between the beats. In 2012 I hung up the phones and picked up the brush full time; a daunting decision financially, but the Soul wants what it wants.  

Turns out my fav colour wasn’t blue at all; it’s burnt sienna and I see it everywhere  in my work. As a child I made and sold candles so understandably Encaustic wax is one of my favoured mediums. I also have an innate relationship and long history with Bees.  I’m partial to texture and love plaster. I also work oils and acrylics but recently have taken to building art in textural 3D stages and a piece can take months to complete.  I also consider myself an alchemist, experimenting, manipulating and changing the properties of various mediums - to a point where I’ve come close to blowing up my studio.  

My mission is simple - to rise another day to play, meet challenges, learn, evolve and most importantly keep feeding my Soul. I hope you will peruse samples of my work on FB (Colleen Irwin) and even better… and I guarantee much more fun, I invite YOU to bring YOUR Soul to CJ’s GALLERY in Lindsay to see NEW works.



Penni Holdham


Judy Jackett