Rachelle Richard Mack

Over the years I have always had an interest in photography of all kinds. I am rarely seen without my camera, it has been an obsession of mine. Nothing makes me happier than getting outside and capturing the beauty around us each and every day.

From plants and flowers to gorgeous scenery and even the wildlife I meet along the way, every moment is special. Living on Lake Scugog in View Lake, just north of Janetville for close to 25 years, I am lucky to be able to experience nature first hand each and every day.

Through my work as a media specialist then as a high school communication technology teacher, I was able to develop and learn more about the making of photos. Now recently retired I have nothing but time to practise and learn even more. I make it a point to try and capture photos each day, no matter the weather. I always try to look at new ways of telling the story through the ways in which I change  the perspective, which often means getting down on the ground which is the easy part, getting back up, not so much!

Photography is about you, what you like, what inspires you and what you want to share with the world. These moments that we capture hold meaning for each of us. The tricks of the trade that help photographers solidify those moments are not secrets and through the sharing of my work, I hope to provide some useful tips and inspiration to helping others make great photos.

“You don’t take a photograph, you make it”, a quote by famous landscape photographer Ansel Adams is my mantra. It doesn’t matter what camera you have, how fancy your gear is, you are in control and these moments are yours.


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